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    Charlie Chaplin Adventure Playground

    The E2 team has been master-planning the redesign and restructuring of the Charlie Chaplin Adventure Playground in Lambeth.

    The E2 team has been master-planning the redesign and restructuring of the Charlie Chaplin Adventure Playground in Lambeth. The playground is located on the edge of Kennington Park, a stone’s throw away from the Oval and provides high quality inclusive play for children of all abilities from the local community. The charity run centre provides much more than just a play-space for local children and is an invaluable community support in a number of ways.

    After 25 years in service CCAP was outgrowing its existing building and was in much need of modern facilities and more space. By providing an outbuilding we were able to reorder the interior with bigger play space and offices. The playground was then rearranged around a new ‘village green’.

    The E2 team attended the ‘New look, new style’ CCAP Grand Reopening & Thank You celebration on the 29th of July and had a great time meeting new people, listening to the drumming and watching how the children and staff used the new facilities.

    E2 will continue to support CCAP through continual professional visit to learn more about the great work the Playground does for the local community and for children with acute care needs.

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