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    Breathing New Life into Historic Built Fabric

    Agents of Change – Commercial Retrofit

    E2 provide owners and investor developers with the expert advice and guidance they need to preserve, enhance, and bring about change to their existing buildings; carrying out retrofit interventions and renovations that will breath new life into the historic fabric.




    Many clients and colleagues ask us what is retrofit and how does this differ from refurbishment. Are they not the same? When is a repair a retrofit? How do you do this in an historic building?

    Retrofit is the process of improving a building’s efficiency and performance through the replacement, modification or addition of systems and elements. In an older or listed building this can be a challenge.




    We use our expertise and experience in both conservation and zero-carbon design to assess and diagnose the issues and then prescribe appropriate specifications to enhance comfort, energy use, running costs, resilience, building life cycle and, of course value. Always fabric first.

    No one retrofit project is the same, so if you would like to discuss your building and how we can improve the performance at the same time as enhancing the value for a long-lasting legacy, please get in touch to speak with one of our experts.

    E2’s Deep Retrofit of an Historic Building Enhances its Value

    We recently completed a deep retrofit at the Old Drill Hall in Farringdon, improving the EPC for the building from an E to a B. This achieves PAS2038, the government’s target for all existing commercial buildings to be EPC B by 2030, and the result for our client has been an increase in rental yield of 75%.

    The client’s testimonial is below. Click on the image immediately below to discover this manifesto retrofit project, which exemplifies E2’s expertise in exceeding all expectations.

    "The professionalism, diligence, focus and attention to detail has been excellent throughout the stages of the project and it has been a long time since I have seen a piece of work of such a high calibre."

    Scott Payne, Development Manager-Max Barney

    Developer Client, The Old Drill Hall

    Would you like a 15 minute call to discuss how we can help you to achieve the most from your property?

    Let's Talk

    Do you need to know more about Commercial Retrofit?

    Want to know how to adapt your historic property to meet regulatory energy performance?

    Struggling to understand the opportunities?

    Want to know what the next steps are?

    Finding it hard to differentiate between architect firms to find the most suitable?


    Would you like a 15 minute call to discuss how we can help you to achieve the most from your project?

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