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    The Walled Garden

    Conservation Restoration of Glass Houses into Business Park Offices


    Country houses and estates often feature kitchen gardens. Here the kitchen garden predates the original Isaac Ware designed house.

    It is possibly the oldest existing structure on the estate. The north wall of the garden was rebuilt during the Victorian period and a plaque over the north east gate is dated 1856.

    It was built to a height of 5m and features a south facing lean-to glass house with boilers and piped heating.

    At the time this building technology, developed by Joseph Paxton, was the height of fashion following advances in the manufacture of glass and the abolition of taxes on glass.

    The height and extent to this conservatory and its age make it significant.

    Below the glasshouses photographed by the RAF in 1922, next to a photo of the level of disrepair and overgrowth today.


    The glass houses are in an advanced state of decay. With the super structures to the east all but gone.

    To the centre and west the primary structures are evident but collapsing.

    The structures were primarily timber with some cast iron brackets and central columns to offer some rigidity.

    However, even when first constructed, by today’s standard these structures would be perceived as fragile.

    These are now beyond repair but some internal features in the floor construction may be preserved.

    This image provides an analysis of the historic structure. The below two images set out a proposed strategy for its reinstatement.


    The proposal is to reinstate the form of the historic glass houses,

    using contemporary technology and materials to create comfortable offices

    to compliment those already within the estate’s portfolio.

    Using a conservation architecture approach we have proposed to slate over the east and west wing lean-to roofs,

    with opening rooflights to provide natural ventilation.

    The central atrium is fully reglazed and acts as the central focal point;

    a grand new entrance and communal space which could include catering facilities to serve the offices.

    What Kind of Client Are You?

    Each project brief and each site is unique. We work with private clients to realise their dream homes and developer/investor clients to build profitable property portfolios on residential, commercial and mixed-use projects.

    So that we can give you the most relevant advice about your project please follow the links below.

    Sam Cooper


    You will:

    • Rest assured that you have achieved the maximum value from your site.
    • Give delight to all those who experience your new property.
    • Be happy in the knowledge that you have enacted the most appropriate scheme.
    • Be confident you have achieved the best return on your investment, for you and the property.
    • Be proud you have enacted a positive and sustainable impact on the environment.
    • Have peace of mind with an accredited RIBA award winning Architect working on your project.
    • Have sophisticated contemporary architecture that inspires and works to deliver you maximum comfort.

    We guarantee:

    • E2 Director Sam Cooper will be lead consultant on your project from inception to completion.
    • We will explore all viable options for the project to ensure that you receive the return on the investment that you desire.
    • We will add lasting value to you and your asset.
    • We will agree a project programme and constantly review and report against it.
    • We will respond to all communication within 24hrs in the working week.
    • Our entire team will be dedicated to delivering complete customer satisfaction.
    • You will be delighted with the result.


    We can’t guarantee the result of any planning application, but we can guarantee that we will use our skill, care and expertise to give you the best chance of success in what you aspire to.

    Sam Cooper


    Our No Obligation Consultancies

    The success of your project can be measured in many
    ways. But at the core is what value has been added to
    the site in the process of a project.

    We will work with you to ensure every potential
    to increase value is explored at every stage of the project.

    Our clients have profited from our imagination in many
    different ways.

    Our promise to you is our continual planning for
    maximised gain, from a strategic level right down to
    the detail.

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