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    E2 Director Sam Cooper has Received Accreditation as an RIBA Conservation Architect

    After more than 20 years working with listed and historically significant buildings and conservation areas our director Sam Cooper has received accreditation as an RIBA Conservation Architect. This puts Sam in a group of approximately 250 conservation architects in the country, recognising him as an expert in the field.


    After more than 20 years working with listed and historically significant buildings and conservation areas our director Sam Cooper has received accreditation as an RIBA Conservation Architect. Sam attended the four day intensive course at RIBA Portland Place and has condensed a career of experience and knowledge into a 64 page dossier to present to the Assessment Panel.

    A Conservation Architect is defined by the RIBA skills matrix as one who ‘possesses requisite knowledge and skills to perform effectively… has depth of understanding of conservation practice, principles and philosophy… is able to guide and take responsibility for others…deals with complex situations holistically’. This puts Sam in a group of approximately 250 conservation architects in the country, recognising him as an expert in the field.

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