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    E2 Report on Basement Policy and Flood Risk

    Following the lead of Westminster and the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea, who have reacted to the rise in number of ‘iceberg homes’, councils across London are currently in the process of altering their planning policy for construction projects that include basements.

    Following the lead of Westminster and the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea, who have reacted to the rise in number of ‘iceberg homes’, councils across London are currently in the process of altering their planning policy for construction projects that include basements.

    This is in line with public consensus of the negative impact, relating to flood risks, noise and other disturbances to neighbouring properties associated with basement developments.

    E2 have extensive expertise relating to basement developments, we have recently shown our ability to gain planning permission for these despite the prohibitive changes to policy.

    The section shown above is of a planning application that was successfully granted permission in the Westcombe Park Conservation area in Blackheath. The application ruffled a lot of feathers with neighbours and planners alike but we were able to make a strong enough argument that permission for the basement was granted.

    We will be producing some informative documentation outlining the policy changes in general terms and what these mean in terms of the practicalities of applying for a basement extensions to heritage buildings in London.

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