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    E2's Work with Developers Expands from London to Beyond the Greenbelt

    We are currently working with developer Max Barney on two buildings of significant heritage interest in Westminster and Camden. And we have recently been approached to work on several new build houses in an agricultural rural setting beyond the green belt, including the potential for a Paragraph 79 house.

    We are currently working with developer Max Barney on two buildings of significant heritage interest in Westminster and Camden. And we have recently been approached to work on several new build houses in an agricultural rural setting beyond the green belt, including the potential for a Paragraph 79 house.

    The expansion of our work with developers is incredibly exciting and offers us a chance to work to our strengths. The opportunity of working on sites outside the greenbelt, where many developers are heading in search of new sites for development, brings with it a real sense of frontierism, as we forge forth into territories and propositions that are largely untested.

    Our experience and knowledge stands to equip us with the ability to successfully negotiate and maximise the gross development value of these rural and agricultural sites. And the prospect of Paragraph 79 (which states that houses of exceptional quality are acceptable) playing its part would really allow us to flex our design muscles.

    If you are a developer looking at potential sites and would like our advice please give us a call.

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