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    BIM & 3D Visualisation

    Utilising BIM &  CGI visualisation allows for much more efficient and integrated design work. They have proven to be essential tools in the building industry, transcending 2D line drawings with spatial representations that enable far more constructive conversations. Having a clear understanding of your project at the outset is vital; providing you with reassurance from the start and continuing throughout your journey. Importantly, this will remove the likelihood of costly redesigns later in the project design phases, or worse, once on site.

    Here is how it works.



    Our feasibility appraisals are the crucial first stage of you project.

    We explore all the possibilities for your project with hand-drawn sketches,

    working to uncover the maximum opportunity nestled within the constraints.

    This vital first step identifies your project strategy,

    reassuring you of how we can address your project’s needs with ease.

    This is the launching point for design development,

    and will spark as much conversation and as many ideas as possible

    in order to provide certainty of your project’s trajectory moving forward.



    Once the possibilities are defined our aim turns to giving your project life.

    We can do this by transferring into Building Information Modelling (BIM), so that your project takes its form immediately.

    In 3D space, we pull together the various components that form the design constantly refining the layout and experience to suit your brief.

    This is the value of 3D modelling; once the model is built, you can benefit from our 3D Design Development.

    In an online Design Review session, we will walk you through the layout in 3D allowing you to make more informed decisions about the design of your project –

    and further, any update to the model can be accompanied by monochromatic clay renders for clarity.



    At the early stage of the design process you can benefit from the use of BIM and the production of CGI visuals

    to gain a more visceral understanding of the design outcomes as they emerge.

    For this reason, we have adopted the latest in building information modelling (BIM)

    and computer generated image (CGI) technologies allowing you to test-drive our design as it unfolds.

    From this initial 3D model we develop the design strategy, analysing how the spaces work,

    the flow through the building talks to the brief, the fenestration works within the spaces and externally.

    We then begin to model the spatial experience from the plan layout and populate the rooms with furniture.

    This forms the basis for our visualisation packages and informs the level of CGI production work required.

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    Visualisation Packages

    Based on the level of detail this process requires, we now offer three visualisation packages to accompany your project. The benefit of your choice of visualisation package is that, very quickly you gain a deep and comprehensive insight into your project and a CGI representation of what will be built prior to going to planning or tender.


    White Card CGI – Monochromatic Clay

    Starting from £1,200


    Whats Included?

    3D Design Development

    1 x Exterior CGI View

    1 x Photo Montage


    This package is designed to provide a general overview of your project with an impactful exterior view.

    For listed building consent,  pre-applications and full planning, we will develop a key view to be agreed with you and 1 photo-montage.

    Through the course of the design, we schedule regular online design review sessions to walk you through the 3D model and discuss your thoughts through our 3D Design Development.

    The benefit of this package is to ensure you are confident with the design as it progresses and identify a key view that will support the planning of your project.


    Starting from £2,200


    Whats Included?

    3D Design Development

    2 x Exterior CGI View

    1 x Animation (30seconds)

    1 x Photo Montage


    The standard package is designed to capture an experience of your project with an exterior animation and provide a glimpse of the design aspirations in it’s immediate context with a cinematic animated experience. Along with the benefits of the basic package, we will develop 2 key exterior views to be agreed with you.

    Through the course of the design, we schedule regular online design review sessions to walk you through the 3D model and discuss your thoughts through our 3D Design Development.

    This package is designed to materialise your project and address design concerns that you may have in advance. This way you can rest assured of the design prior to planning or the tender stage having seen a fully materialised visual representation of your project.


    Starting from £3,200


    Whats Included?

    3D Design Development

    3 x Exterior CGI View

    1 x Interior CGI View

    1 x Virtual Tour

    1 x Photo Montage


    Whether you wish to visualise parts of your project or indeed experience a virtual tour of selected spaces,

    then this package is designed for you. At your selection and with strategic definition to your project,

    we will provide 3 exterior CGI images and 1 interior CGI in high level of detail. Along with the benefits of the value pack,

    we deliver an online accessible virtual tour and a FREE controller for an emersive experience.

    Which Visualisation Package Do I Need?

    Request a Call

    To help you understand the value of these packages, here’s a useful breakdown of how much they cost, and when you might need them.

    3D Design Development starting from £200

    Every online design review session requires prior attention to the 3d model. As the design evolves, you may wish to visualise how an individual space or series of spatial interactions. The 3D Design Development ensures your happy with the progression of the design of your project. This is usually very successful once your project is underway and you’re having thoughts about the proposed architecture, we will walk you through the design.


    1 x Exterior CGI starting from £350

    An exterior CGI is a great way to illustrate an architectural design idea. Usually we find every pre-application or full planning applications require some form of visual interpretation of the proposal in context to support the process. This could include aerial views but to be defined with your project and tailored specifically for you.


    1 x Interior CGI starting from £450

    Interior views are slightly more complex and requires more time to distil. This is usually a nice to have on minor developments, except you have major concerns which you want to visualise to high level of detail or perhaps if you’re thinking of marketing materials for commercial purposes.


    1 x Photo Montage starting from £650

    As we know from experience, a photo-montage is a crucial piece of information required in the planning process.  A photo-montage is the art of superimposing a CGI image of your proposal on a site-specific photograph. In a shcedule site visit, we will collect photographic materials for the production of the photo-montage. This can support your planning application in a postive light


    1 x Animation starting from £800

    To view the design of your project with a cinematic experience, we offer animations starting from a 30-second clip revealing selected spaces of the design. This is useful for commercial developers and investors looking to promote their asipirations.


    1 x Virtual Tour starting from £1300

    An engaging way of interacting with the design of your project. Develop an understanding of how the spaces are working together in 3D as you walk through the model with selected hotspots to transport you from one place to another around the model. These hotspots will be agreed in advance with you through the design development.

    "I just can’t wait to get home, every time... I love what you guys have done. I never thought it could be this good."

    Dominic Cooper

    Private Client, Primrose Hill

    "Knowledgeable, professional, personable - and patient! I would recommend."

    Terry & Jess

    Private Client, Granville Park

    What Kind of Client Are You?

    Each project brief and each site is unique. We work with private clients to realise their dream homes and developer/investor clients to build profitable property portfolios on residential, commercial and mixed-use projects.

    So that we can give you the most relevant advice about your project please follow the links below.

    Sam Cooper


    You will:

    • Rest assured that you have achieved the maximum value from your site.
    • Give delight to all those who experience your new property.
    • Be happy in the knowledge that you have enacted the most appropriate scheme.
    • Be confident you have achieved the best return on your investment, for you and the property.
    • Be proud you have enacted a positive and sustainable impact on the environment.
    • Have peace of mind with an accredited RIBA award winning Architect working on your project.
    • Have sophisticated contemporary architecture that inspires and works to deliver you maximum comfort.

    We guarantee:

    • E2 Director Sam Cooper will be lead consultant on your project from inception to completion.
    • We will explore all viable options for the project to ensure that you receive the return on the investment that you desire.
    • We will add lasting value to you and your asset.
    • We will agree a project programme and constantly review and report against it.
    • We will respond to all communication within 24hrs in the working week.
    • Our entire team will be dedicated to delivering complete customer satisfaction.
    • You will be delighted with the result.


    We can’t guarantee the result of any planning application, but we can guarantee that we will use our skill, care and expertise to give you the best chance of success in what you aspire to.

    Sam Cooper


    Our No Obligation Consultancies

    The success of your project can be measured in many
    ways. But at the core is what value has been added to
    the site in the process of a project.

    We will work with you to ensure every potential
    to increase value is explored at every stage of the project.

    Our clients have profited from our imagination in many
    different ways.

    Our promise to you is our continual planning for
    maximised gain, from a strategic level right down to
    the detail.

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