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    Residential Development

    Maximising the Value

    Unlock the Potential – Maximise the Value

    The success of any development relies on realising the maximum planning gain with the highest gross development value. But this must be with a scheme design that is feasible to construct and viable to finance.


    We understand the commercial imperative and work with or clients to assist with the development appraisal, planning negotiations, risk management and detail design so that we can help bring to market a scheme that will deliver high quality homes with decent returns on investment.


    Your site may have all the problems of tight urban infill in difficult local authorities or be within heavily restricted locations on green field land. You may have a need for complex mixed use and tricky unit mix targets. You may have some existing and listed buildings on the site to be retained and integrated. You may have change of use within an awkward structure. In all these instances we have the expertise to assess the options and advise on the best strategy for adding value.

    Could you Benefit from our Development Appraisal Consultation?


    Designing a newbuild home? Have a development project you want to maximise the GDV on? Our Development Appraisal consultation offers you the opportunity to explore the feasible planning gain options available for your site with E2 director Sam Cooper. Find out more here...

    The E2 Guarantee

    E2 director Sam Cooper will be lead consultant on your project from inception to completion.

    We will explore all viable options for the project to ensure that you receive the return on the investment that you desire.

    We will add lasting value to your asset.

    To see our full list of guarantees please download our Value Add Promise.


    We have a long history of winning successful planning permissions that exceed the development brief. We do this through thorough analysis of the planning policy and physical context. We can put together a consultant team to deliver the necessary documentation to make the case for the approval of a scheme equally we are happy to work with our client’s partners to do the same.


    The use of technology enables industries to drive efficiency throughout the process of design and manufacture, and this is no truer than for the building industry. At E2 we use the most up to date industry standard software (Autodesk Revit) which is revolutionising the way we work. This enables us to produce plans, 3D renders, details and schedules from one model, empowering us to increase efficiency, raise quality, improve coordination and reduce risk.

    Sam Cooper

    About E2 Architecture

    E2 have established a reputation for designing beautiful and innovative buildings. We take pride in achieving distinctive designs of outstanding quality that enhance and add value to homes, businesses and developments.

    We will help you create buildings and spaces that are comfortable, enjoyable and life enhancing. Our approach to each project, big or small, starts from the same position; objectivity, respect, care and attention. In our work we seek to empower progress through a collaborative approach with our clients. We strive to exceed expectations of the value great architecture can bring to a project.

    Whether for a new build one-off house, multiple unit mixed use buildings, or for creating striking contemporary interventions to heritage and Grade Listed buildings, our expertise lies in merging innovative contemporary architecture with high performing energy efficient building techniques and sympathetic restoration to bring you a building which is greater than the sum of its parts.

    Sam Cooper


    Our No Obligation Consultancies

    Do you need to know more about how to maximise the GDV?

    Want to know how to design a high performing residential development that reveals the potential?

    Struggling to define the opportunities?

    Finding it hard to differentiate between architect firms to find the most suitable?

    Want to know what the next steps are?


    Would you like a 15 minute call to discuss how we can help you to achieve the most from your site?

    Contact Us

      By clicking ‘send’ you agree to E2 Architecture and Interiors Ltd storing and using the information above as set out in their Privacy Policy

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      Read about our Development Appraisal Consultation


      Designing a newbuild home? Have a development project you want to maximise the GDV on? Our Development Appraisal consultation offers you the opportunity to explore the feasible planning gain options available for your site with E2 director Sam Cooper. Find out more here...

      Have a residential development project in mind?

      Get in touch for a free appraisal.

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