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    Contemporary Interventions

    Delivering the 'Wow'

    Usher in the New – Exceed Your Expectations

    The design of a bespoke contemporary addition can elevate and transform your building’s usefulness and your quality of life, whilst enhancing and preserving your heritage asset for future generations.



    E2 have a long tradition of working with historic buildings. Sam Cooper our director grew up restoring period and listed houses with his architect father. He has an innate understanding of the design, technology and materials used in historic building. From this he is able to design and specify the right interventions and materials to make improvements that are appropriate and sympathetic whilst being bold and contemporary.



    Heritage buildings represent a large proportion of our built environment, especially in London, be they listed or in conservation areas or Green Belt. Being the custodian-owner of a heritage building often presents challenges.


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    Are you thinking of designing a new extensions or making alterations to your property or a property you are considering purchasing? Explore the options available with E2 director Sam Cooper. Find out more here...

    The E2 Guarantee

    E2 director Sam Cooper will be lead consultant on your project from inception to completion.

    We will explore all viable options for the project to ensure that you receive the return on the investment that you desire.

    We will add lasting value to your asset.

    To see our full list of guarantees please download our Homemaker’s Promise.


    Perhaps the biggest obstacle to actualising any change to a heritage building is achieving a successful planning consent. The planners and conservation officers will want to see proper analysis of the buildings history and its significance is carried out and that the highest quality design and specification of any alterations, additions or new buildings addresses this, fully demonstrating that the heritage asset is preserved and enhanced.



    Each heritage building is unique. These buildings are by their nature implicitly of a different era, and as a result can restrict 21st century lifestyles.


    Sam Cooper

    About E2 Architecture

    We take pride in achieving distinctive designs of outstanding quality that enhance and add value to homes, businesses and developments.

    We will help you create buildings and spaces that are comfortable, enjoyable and life enhancing. Our approach to each project, big or small, starts from the same position; objectivity, respect, care and attention. In our work we seek to empower progress through a collaborative approach with our clients. We strive to exceed expectations of the value great architecture can bring to a project.

    Whether for a new build one-off house, multiple unit mixed use buildings, or for creating striking contemporary interventions to heritage and Grade Listed buildings, our expertise lies in merging innovative contemporary architecture with high performing energy efficient building techniques and sympathetic restoration to bring you a building which is greater than the sum of its parts.

    Have you had a look at our Homemaker’s Promise?

    Sam Cooper


    Our No Obligation Consultancies

    Do you need to know more about how to achieve planning consent for a contemporary intervention to your home?

    Want to know how to design a high performing new addition to suite your modern lifestyle?

    Struggling to define the opportunities?

    Finding it hard to differentiate between architect firms to find the most suitable?

    Want to know what the next steps are?


    Would you like a 15 minute call to discuss how we can help you to achieve the most from your property?

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      How to Prepare for Your Project

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      This guide will assist your decision making leading into the start of your project and will take you through the processes involved so that you can accurately decide the scope of works you are envisaging.

      Have a project involving a contemporary intervention in mind?

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